Bottled Water & Juices

Bottled Water & Juices
H1H Laboratory conducts analyses on bottled water to determine microbial quality by identifying total coliforms and fecal coliform. We are also able through our subcontracting partners to test for physico-chemical contaminants in drinking water. Testing and reporting on analyses of commercially bottled, spring, and purified water increases consumer preferences for bottled water. Additional analyses such as Total Aerobic Plate Counts, Yeasts, and Moulds, are performed on juices and juice concentrates. As juices and juice concentrates have the capability of supporting spoilage organisms, our laboratory is able to aid juice manufacturers and importers to assure the best quality of their juices through our shelf-life monitoring and general screening. Training for the development of the HACCP programme may also be offered to Juice manufacturers through H1H Laboratory.